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JFEC was founded as a legacy to Jaden Francois-Esprit who we sadly lost to suicide in August 2020. 

Since Jaden's untimely and sudden passing JFEC has tirelessly worked to highlight the impact that bullying and discrimination may have on a persons life and their mental well-being.

Our journey has been frought with much trauma. However, after realising the difference we were making to individuals lives we decided to progress our annual events and apply to become a community interest company. We are proud to have achieved this goal in 2024.

JFEC CIC are dedicated to promoting workplace equality and raising awareness of workplace discrimination, bullying and harassment with a strong focus on suicide awareness and prevention. Our mission is to foster a safer, more inclusive workplace.



JFEC LOGO May2024.png
Creating a Safe and Supportive Community
"Be a Role Model, Make a Difference and See a Change"

(Jaden Francois-Esprit)


What JFEC Got Up To In 2023?

In 2023 three friends challenged themselves to raise much needed funds for JFEC's annual event. 

JFEC founder, Linda said "the experience was tougher than I expected. I had to dig deep and keep reminding myself why I put myself through the challenge." Linda and her friends achieved their goal and reached the summit of Snowdon in approximately 5 hours. 
This year we're travelling to Fort William to climb Ben Nevis on Saturday 22nd June 2024. It's going to be tough, particularly as we have yet to begin training... yikes!! However, reflecting on the grit and determination that got us to the summit last year, gives us faith.




We are seeking 10 individuals who may have experienced bereavement, struggling with their mental well-being or workplace environment or, just need to kick-start a journey and prove to themselves they can achieve a challenge.

If you cannot commit to this challenge would you please consider donating to help us provide the support our community needs. We appreciate the financial struggles everyone is experiencing and are extremely appreciative in anticipation of any donation offered. 
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Contact Us


Registered office:

128 City Road

London. EC1V 2NX

Tel: 07403 656838

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Company number: 15567937  

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