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We lost our beautiful Jaden to suicide in August 2020, just 21 days after his 21st birthday. Since then we have campaigned for accountability from his employers, The London fire brigade (LFB), who by their own admission failed Jaden in his place of work.


We do not want anyone else to suffer or experience discrimination, bullying or harassment like Jaden did, believing their only option is to end their life.


JFEC was formed for the community to empower participants to combat workplace discrimination and bullying while highlighting the impact of neurodivergence. Our annual event 'SHINE A SPOTLIGHT' serves as a platform for education, networking and community building.


Q. How did JFEC go from a family gathering to a Company?


On the 2nd anniversary of losing Jaden, his mother, Linda, decided to hold an indoor event after the  unpredictable English weather impacted their memorial celebration the previous year. Friends and family invited additional attendee's while Linda invited some charitable organisations to speak and share the more serious message of suicide, loss and bereavement.


It was at this second event that Linda realised the impact of the gathering and speakers had on some attendees.  It was the positive feedback and the difference made to attendees that led to the annual JFEC events and the recent registration of Jaden Francois-Esprit Collective as a community interest company.

When Jaden was asked at his interview where he saw himself in 5 years, he said...


"I Want to be a

Role Model, Make a Difference and

See a Change" 




Company number: 15567937  

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